Why Subscribe to Love, Dad?
Love, Dad, is a real-life series of ongoing letters to my children. While these letters are intended to be read one day by them, I feel that many of us — parents and non-parents alike — can connect with the stories and moments that forever bond us to those whom we love.
Each letter is first hand-written to capture the heart of the message. Things then move to a digital format for substack, and finally each letter is typed using a 1940 Smith Corona Sterling Typewriter and tucked away to be given to my children later on in life.
Who Writes Love, Dad?
My name is Dan. I’m a former Paratrooper in the U.S. Army who has since become a dad, husband, entrepreneur and corporate stooge. I’ve been on a journey to define my purpose in this world since leaving the military in 2009, and have since found that my true purpose in this world is to be the best father and husband I can be.
I am thoroughly committed to making each and every letter heartfelt. This is not an exercise in content creation, it’s instead an exercise in leaving a legacy for my children to read and understand more about who I am, who they are, my views on the ways in which the world works and how we can all strive to be better humans.